Understand the Green Empire of the East and the West

Analysis of the fictional and real universe of the game

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Genre : Documents
The Green Empire of the East and the West is a role-playing game that stands out for its utopian and futuristic universe, where a supranational organization called "The EL4DEV Confederation" has established a post-modern golden age through a multitude of city-states around the world. This organization aims to build an ideal and well-structured alternative...
The Green Empire of the East and the West is a role-playing game that stands out for its utopian and futuristic universe, where a supranational organization called "The EL4DEV Confederation" has established a post-modern golden age through a multitude of city-states around the world. This organization aims to build an ideal and well-structured alternative society, based on equity, justice for all, respect for life and a strong ecological enterprise. The Empire is ruled by a mysterious man "Henry Harper", who founded the Empire in France. The game is marked by a strong philosophical dimension, articulated around societal foresight, transnational political vision and the modification of the aspect of the earth.
Informations techniques
Nombres de pages : 80
ISBN : 979-10-359-6786-4Bookelis

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Understand the Green Empire of the East and the West

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